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Golden HSE 2018 Winners Announced

HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, Evgeny Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor, and HSE President Alexander Shokhin

The winners are 16 staff members in seven ‘golden’ categories and 21 students in the ‘Silver Nestling’ category.  The winners of the ‘Golden Citation’, which is awarded to the most cited HSE scholar, have also been announced. The awards ceremony was held on November 27, on the HSE's birthday.

Atmosphere of Freedom

By tradition, the award ceremony was opened by the university's founders, who congratulated not only the winners, but also all HSE staff and students on their HSE affiliation. ‘I'm proud of HSE. I am proud of those who were able to get here, all those who study and work here. Thank you for everything’, said Evgeny Yasin, HSE Academic Supervisor. HSE President Alexander Shokhin supported him: ‘As we have mentioned many times, it is not so easy to enter HSE, but it is even more difficult to study here. I hope you are able to manage it. Good luck.’

HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov spoke about the present and future of the university, which is growing rapidly both quantitatively and qualitatively.  For example, the quality of fee-paying admissions at HSE is comparable to the quality of state-funded admissions at some other prestigious universities in Moscow. ‘Quite a good university,’ noted Kuzminov modestly. According to the Rector, HSE is still ten years away from being able to compete with good international universities on equal terms.

However, the environment of freedom  that has been present at the university from the very beginning and is still  very much in evidence makes HSE what it is: there is no student organization created from above,  student media are not subjected to censorship by the administration, and academic bonuses depend on objective indicators of work, and not on relations with the administration. ‘Let's keep our free environment,’ says Yaroslav Kuzminov .

Award Winners

Achievement in Research

This prize is awarded to teachers, research associates, and postgraduate students of HSE and its branches for outstanding research findings obtained through their work at the University.

The winners in three following categories are:

Science, IT and engineering — Viktor Vassiliev, Tenured Professor, Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics

Social sciences and economics — Sergey Kokovin, Associate Professor at the St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Humanities and communication sciences — Vladimir Porus, Tenured Professor, Professor at the School of Philosophy

University Teaching Success

This prize is awarded to HSE lecturers for outstanding teaching achievements, exciting lectures and seminars, useful courses and comprehensible textbooks, an attentive and objective attitude towards students, as well as actively supporting colleagues in improving the quality of teaching at the University.

The winners in the following categories are:

Science, IT and engineering — Rimma Akhmetsafina, Associate Professor at the School of Software Engineering

Social sciences and economics — Alexey Rakov, Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Economics

Humanities and arts — Ekaterina Shestakova, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (Perm)

Instructors of foreign languages, military and physical training — Ekaterina Talalakina, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages

Best Expert

This prize is awarded to HSE researchers for expert analysis and publications which have sparked major public interest or promoted serious changes in public, municipal, or corporate policies.

The winner in this category is Natalia Akindinova, Director of the Centre of Development Institute.

HSE Lyceum Teaching Success

This prize is awarded to teachers of the HSE Lyceum and cross-school HSE Lyceum for outstanding success in teaching, using innovative teaching techniques, and creativity in teaching.

The winner in this category is Olga Briukhanova, Teacher of Russian language and literature at HSE Lyceum.

Alumni Success

This prize is awarded to HSE alumni for outstanding achievements in research and teaching, as well as for developing successful careers in community work, public administration or business. The winners in the following categories are:

Best academic achievement — Alexey Bufetov, graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics

Best professional achievement — Konstantin Noskov, graduate of the Faculty of Business and Management

Contribution to the Development of HSE

This prize is awarded to HSE employees whose work has resulted in improvements to the University’s reputation, as well as its visible development. The winner in this category is Tamara Protasevich, Director for Occupational and Gifted Student Guidance.

Golden Person

The prize is awarded to administrative staff at HSE study offices and other subdivisions for their initiative, friendly interactions with colleagues and students, and active sharing of experience among the University’s staff. The winners in the following categories are:

Study office staff, teaching and learning support specialists, staff of continuing education programme offices — Liudmila Korobkova, Teaching and Learning Specialist at HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod

Administrative staff of HSE faculties and central administrative bodies — Sergey Shalamkov, Head of the Centre for the Development of Instructional Settings

Employees of the HSE Library, Publishing House, Office of Information Technology, Office of Public Relations and Online Media, and similar units at the University’s regional campuses — Marina Ermakova, Leading Expert at HSE Library

Employees of dormitories and maintenance units — Vasily Baev, Director of the Office of Administrative Buildings

Silver Nestling

This prize is awarded to current HSE students, schoolchildren of the HSE Lyceum and lyceum classes as well as HSE doctoral students for outstanding achievements in studies and research, interesting papers, a proactive attitude, and achievements in self-development.

Semyon Abramian, Faculty of Mathematics (Moscow), 1st-year master’s student of the ‘Mathematics’ programme;

Elizaveta Antonova, School 2107 (Moscow), 10th-grade student of ‘Economics and Social Sciences’ track;

Alina Bakhitova, St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science  (St. Petersburg), 1st-year master's student of the ‘Information Systems and Human-computer Interaction’ programme;

Anna Vinkelman, Faculty of Humanities (Moscow), 2nd-year master's student of the 'Cultural and Intellectual History: Between East and West' programme;

Vadim Greenberg, Faculty of Computer Science (Moscow), 4th-year student  of the Applied Mathematics and Information Science bachelor's programme;

Alexander Dyatlik, Faculty of Mathematics (Moscow), 2nd-year student of the ‘Mathematics and Mathematical Physics’ master's programme;

Andrey Zyryanov, Faculty of Humanities (Moscow), 3rd-year student of the ‘Fundamental and Computational Linguistics’ bachelor’s programme;

Akan Kadyrbekov, Faculty of Economic Sciences (Moscow), 4th-year student of the ‘Economics’ programme;

Kirill Kuvivchak, HSE Lyceum (Moscow), 11th-grade student of the ‘Economics and Social Sciences’ track;

Anton Leonov, Faculty of Business and Management (Moscow), 2nd-year master's student of the ‘Big Data Systems’ programme;

Alexandra Malinina, Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs (Moscow), 3rd-year student of the ‘International Relations’ bachelor's programme;

Vladlena Markvirer, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics (Perm), 1st-year master’s student of the ‘Information Analytics in Enterprise Management’ programme;

 Elizaveta Maslennikova (Maximova), Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science  (Nizhny Novgorod), 1st-year master's student of the ‘Data Mining’ programme;

Daria Smuseva, MIEM (Moscow), 2nd-year master’s student of the ‘Computer Systems and Networks’ programme;

Anastasia Sokolova, Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science  (Nizhny Novgorod), 1st-year master's student of the ‘Data Mining’ programme;

Daria Teterina, Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics (Perm), 1st-year master's student of the ‘Marketing’ programme;

Ella Tyuryumina, Faculty of Computer Science (Moscow), 2nd-year master's student of the ‘System and Software Engineering’ programme;

Sergey Filyasov, ICEF (Moscow), 2nd-year master's student of the ‘Financial Economics’ programme;

Alina Khamatdinova, HSE Lyceum, 11th-grade student of the ‘Economics and Social Sciences’ track;

Pavel Chesnokov, Faculty of Law (Nizhny Novgorod), 1st-year master's student of the  'Legal Support and Protection of Business' programme;

Kirill Chmel, Faculty of Social Sciences (Moscow), 1st-year master's student of the ‘Applied Politics’ programme.

Golden Citation

Together with Elsevier Publishing House (the Netherlands), the ‘Golden Citation’ award has been organized for HSE staff with high citation indices for papers published in the Scopus database. The winners were selected by a jury made up of experts from HSE and Elsevier. This year’s winners are the authors of the article ‘Monopolistic Competition: Beyond the Constant  Elasticity of Substitution’ published in Econometrica Journal: Evgeny Zhelobodko, Senior Research Fellow of the Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics, Sergey Kokovin, Leading Research Fellow of the Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics, Jacques-François Thisse, Chief Research Fellow of the Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics.

The winning article was published in 2012, and in 2013 one of the co-authors, Evgeny Zhelobodko, unfortunately, passed away. ‘Evgeny Zhelobodko left us very early,’ says HSE Vice-Rector Maria Yudkevich at the award ceremony. — I am sure that were he still with us, his name would be known not only to the entire HSE, not only to a wide range of economists, but also to the wider academic community.’

The nominees in this category were HSE Tenured Professor Boris Mirkin with the article ‘Minkowski metric, feature weighting and anomalous cluster initializing in K-Means clustering’ (Pattern Recognition, 2012), and Senior Research Fellow of the Laboratory for Research in Inflation and Growth Ilya Voskoboynikov with the article ‘Deconstructing the BRICs: Structural Transformation and Aggregate Productivity Growth’ (Journal of Comparative Economics, 2012).

See also:

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International Competition of Short Videos about Cities Is Underway

The Moscow City Tourism Committee and HSE Art and Design School invite young directors, animators, cameramen, and other authors working with video to participate in the International Competition of Short Videos about Cities. The contest is organised on the platform of HSE Art and Design School and the Creative City Project of the Institute of Creative Industries in the framework of the ‘Territory of the Future’ Moscow forum and festival.

Season Eight of HSE CREATIVE OPEN Competition Begins

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HSE University and Adyghe State University Launch Digital Ethnolook International Contest

The HSE Centre for Language and Brain and the Laboratory of Experimental Linguistics at Adyghe State University (ASU) have launched the first Digital Ethnolook International Contest in the Brain Art / ScienceArt / EtnoArt format. Submissions are accepted until May 25, 2024.

‘The Goal of the Contest Is to Select Bold Ideas Aimed at Fostering a More Equitable Global Development’

HSE Vice Rector, Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia and Co-chair of the BRICS Civil Forum Victoria Panova, and Dean of the HSE Faculty of Humanities and Chair of the Contest Jury Felix Azhimov, announced the primary objectives of the contest, its format and potential participants during a press conference at TASS. Nationals from the BRICS countries, aged 18 to 45, are eligible to apply for participation in the contest. The jury will select ten winners, three of whom will be given the opportunity to attend the BRICS Civil Forum in Moscow in person.

HSE University to Reward Students Who Write Their Thesis Using AI

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'Unconventional Thinking Can Be Cultivated through Competitions Like Physics Tournaments'

Last week, university students from all over the country came to HSE University for the All-Russian Student's Tournament of Physicists. The tournament took the form of battles in which teams tackled physics problems while taking turns in the roles of speakers, opponents, and reviewers. Based on the competition results, the combined team 'Volume Dependence' emerged as the winner and will participate in the upcoming international tournament in Zurich.

Second Season of ‘Parajanov—100’ Contest Launched at HSE Art and Design School

As part of a continuing exploration of the national cultural context, the HSE University Art and Design School and the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, in collaboration with the Sergei Parajanov Museum and the Artists' Union of Armenia, have announced the second open international online contest for collage in animation dedicated to the centenary of Sergei Parajanov’s birth.