Mark Urnov
- Research Professor: Faculty of Social Sciences / School of Politics and Governance
- Tenured Professor (2011)
- Distinguished Professor (2019)
- Mark Urnov has been at HSE University since 2004.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
22915 - Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, room М20-426
- SPIN-RSCI: 3716-9699
- ORCID: 0000-0003-3175-2064
- ResearcherID: M-8876-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 24313923700
- Google Scholar
- Office hours
- Wed: 12 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Thu: 1:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
- Supervisors
- S. Roshchin
- A. Y. Melville
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Education and Degrees
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade Market Research Institute
Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Research interests
- political analysis and forecast
- comparative sociological research (values, ideological preferences, social and cultural processes in transition societies)
- corporate culture and decision-making
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2012–2014
Editorial board membership
Employment history
Mark Y. Urnov CV
13, Ilinka Street, office 502, 103070, Moscow, Russia (office)
10/12-2 Grafsky lane, aprt. 5, 129626, Moscow, Russia (private)
Phone: +7 915 280 9696
Date of Birth: May 12, 1947
Current Position(s)
Professor; Academic Supervisor of the School of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow).
Academic Career
Studies and academic degrees
1970: graduated from Moscow Institute of International Relations, Economic Department
1975: PhD (Economics)
2008: Doctor of Science (Political Sciences)
Positions held
1970-1993: Research fellow at different Academy of Science Institutions
1993-1994: Project director, Gorbachev Foundation; adviser, Moscow city Government
1994-1996: Head, Analytical Directorate of the President of Russian Federation
1996-1997: Chairman, Foundation for Analytical Programs “Expertiza”
1997 – 2000: First deputy Head, Centre for Economic Reforms, Government of Russian Federation
2000 – 2004: Chairman, Foundation for Analytical Programs “Expertiza”
2004-now: Professor; Dean (till 2010), Academic Supervisor (2010-now) of the School of Political Science at the National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
International cooperation/International research experience
1990-1993: Managers of Different Countries: Study in Ideologies and Organizational Cultures: A Russian, British and Japanese Comparison (In collaboration with PA Consulting Group, UK and University of Bradford Management Center, UK)
2010-2012: Middle class in Russian Regions – Behavioral Strategies; Social and Economic Policies of Russian Governors (in collaboration with Emory University, USA)
2012, 2014: Lecturing at the Middlebury College, Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian (USA)
Ongoing since 2014: Political and Value Orientations of (young) potential elites (in collaboration with Princeton University, USA)
More than 130 communications to scientific conferences in Russia, US, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, China, Poland, Czech Rep., Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania.
Scholarships and awards
Honorary Diploma of the President of RF (1996)
Medal for Merit in carrying out the National Population Census (2003)
Honorary Diploma of the Government of RF (2012)
Honorary Badge of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (2013)
Memberships (Scientific councils, Research councils, Advisory boards)
National Research University Higher School of Economics Scientific council: member (2004-now)
The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, member (2009 – now)
Journal “Social Science and Contemporaneity”, editorial board member (2012-now)
Journal of New Economic Association, editorial board member (2015 –now)
Some relevant publications
- Bio-social system "human-being". Leningrad, Publishing house "Science ", 1983. (with со-authors)
- Party system in Russia: 1989-1993. Moscow, Beginnings Press, 1994. (with со-authors)
- Middle class in Russia: quantitative and quality standards. Moscow, ТЕIS, 2000. (with со-authors)
- The second term of V.Putin: dilemmas of the Russian politics. Moscow, Publishing house "Human rights ", 2004. (with co-authors).
- Modern Russia: questions and answers. Moscow: "Expertiza", 2005 (with со-author)
- The UNDP national report « Business and social development of Russia: problems and prospects ». Moscow: Association of managers, 2006. (with со-authors)
- Emotions in political behavior. - Moscow: Aspect-Press, 2008.
- Russia and Germany. Society and State: Historical Experience of Interaction. N. Katzer, R. Krumm, M. Urnov, Eds. – Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2012
- Image of “cultural person” as a subject of comparative research studies of culture. In: Problems of comparative sociological researches, Section 3. Experience of interval researches and problems of the dynamic comparative analysis. Moscow, ISI AS of the USSR, 1982.
- How ready are we for Democracy? (Articles 1 & 2). Working class and the modern world, 1989, No 4, pp. 75-91; 1990, No 2.
- Gorbatjov Psykologisk Forsinket. Det Udenrings Politiske Magasin, (Denmark)1990, №3. (with со-author).
- Being released from authoritarianism (research of political consciousness of People's Deputies of Russia). Political Studies, 1991,No 1.
- Struggle of elites in a transitive society: the nomenclature and democracy. A century XX and the world, 1991, No 5. (with со-authors).
- Russia: a society in a transit. In: On a way to freedom: economy and a policy of Russia by the end 1992, Moscow, PEF, 1992.
- To the analysis of political consciousness of People's Deputies (results of the sociological research study). Working class and social progress, Moscow, the Science, 1993.
- Liberalism and ideology of the Russian elites. In: Liberalism in Russia. Moscow, Agency "Sign", 1993.
- Managerial Ideologies: A Russian and British Comparison. International Business Review, 1993, Vol. 2, No 3. (со-authors)
- Authoritativeness: experience of a quantitative estimation. Economic and social changes: monitoring of public opinion, 1994, No 5
- The analysis and forecasting of political campaigns. The bulletin of the Moscow school of political researches, 1996, No 5.
- On national identity. The bulletin of the Moscow school of political researches, 1996, No 6.
- Whether there is an investment potential of savings of the Russian population? Economic and social changes: monitoring of public opinion, 1997, No 3.
- Stimulation of development of middle class in Russia as an administrative and political problem. In: Middle class in Russia: problems and prospects, Moscow, Institute of economic problems of a transition period, Proceedings 9 Р-1, 1998.
- Some factors of adaptation of the Russian society to a situation after August crisis 1998 Economic and social changes: monitoring of public opinion, 1999, No 2
- Russia in XXI century: questions without answers. A political class, July 2005, No 7.
- Russia: geopolitical views and domestic political context // F. Tassinari, P. Joenniemi, U. Jakobsen (Eds.) Wider Europe: Nordic and Baltic Lessons to post-Enlargment Europe. - Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, 2006.
- Emotional Atmosphere of Society as a subject of political study (3 articles) // Social Sciences and Contemporaneity. 2007, No 2,3,4
- Dynamics of Mass-Aggressiveness in Societies with different level of development of achievement behavior (Articles 1 & 2) // Social Sciences and Contemporaneity< 2008, No 4, 5.
- Economic Imperialism Doctrine: View-point of a Specialist in Political Science // Social Sciences and Contemporaneity, 2009, No 4
- Non-Institutional factors of Social Dynamics // Social Sciences and Contemporaneity, 2010, No 5
- Non-institutional factors of social dynamics - modeling approaches // Social Sciences and Contemporaneity. 2010. No 5.
- The Middle Class in Four Russian Regions: Government Policies and Behavioral Strategies / Working papers by Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasion Studies. 2010. Preprint (with co-authors)
- “There is no Middle Class in this Oblast. There are Rich and Poor”: Economic and Social Policy Trade-Offs in the Russian Regions / Working papers by National Council for Eurasian and East European Research. Series "NCEEER Working Paper". 2011. No. 825-06 (with co-authors).
- Role of culture in Democratic Transit // Social Sciences and Contemporaneity. 2011. No 6
- What is Justice? An Attempt to analyze the concepts used by public opinion// Social Sciences and Contemporaneity. 2012. No 5.
- Defeating the authoritarian majority: an uneasy agenda // Democracy versus Modernization: a dilemma for Russia and for the world / [ed. by V. Inozemsev, P. Dutkiewicz]. – New York, NY: Routledge, 2012.
- Russian Modernization Doctrines under Debate // Waiting For Reform Under Putin and Medvedev / [ed. by L. Jonson, S. White]. – Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
- Governors’ Dilemmas: Social and Economic Policy Trade-Offs in the Russian Regions (Evidence from Four Case Studies) // Europe-Asia studies. Vol. 65, Issue 10, 2013 [with co-authors]
- Social Liberalism in Russia // Social Science and Contemporaneity. 2013. No 3.
- Russia: Virtual and Real Political Prospects (Articles 1 & 2) // Social Science and Contemporaneity. 2014. No 4 and 5
- ‘Greatpowerness’ as the Key Element of Russian Self-Consciousness under Erosion // Communist and Post-Communist Studies. 2014. Vol. 47. Issue 3-4
- The economic Crisis in Russia: Causes, Deployment Mechanisms, and the Possible Consequences // Journal of New Economic Association, 2015, No 2
Supervised PhD dissertations (2009-2014)
- Nikolayshvili, G. Social advertising and politics in contemporary Russia, 2009
- Shipov, A. Russian authorities in assessing of citizens (1993-2008 years), 2009
- Sokolova, A. Non-classical indices of influence in the analysis of political processes (the State Duma case study), 2009
- Dobrokhotov, R. Trust in world politics - European integration case study, 2013
- Henkina, D. Counter-terrorist Government Structures: the specificity of activities, and limits of effectiveness (ongoing since 2013)
- Zakharova O. Transformation of political discourse of human rights in post-Soviet Russia (ongoing since 2013)
‘It Is Essential for University to Reach Common Understanding on Key Issues’
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Short Lists for Golden HSE
The second stage of the Golden HSE competition has come to an end, and the short-listed nominees have been announced.
Master class of Professor Mark Urnov
On October 9, 2017 Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the Higher School of Economics Mark Urnov gave a master class.
Presentation of the jubilee issue of the journal “Vestnik Europy”
Within the framework of a scholarly seminar of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, a presentation of the jubilee issue of the journal “Vestnik Europy” took place.
Joint Seminar of HSE and Hertie School of Governance
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Political Scientist with Freedom of Choice
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Evgeny Yasin: ‘The HSE, the New Economic School and Gaidar Institute Are Restoring Research to the Pre-Revolutionary Level in Russia’
Today, HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin celebrates his 80th birthday. The HSE News Service congratulates him, and in honour of the celebration, is publishing an extract from Andrey Kolesnikov’s book ‘Dialogues with Evgeny Yasin’.
Singaporean Businesspeople at the HSE
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Structure of the HSE: Bridging the Gaps
On June 3rd, the HSE Academic Council made several decisions regarding the future of some university departments.