Evgeniia Alshanskaia
- Junior Research Fellow: Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience / Centre for Cognition & Decision Making
- Evgeniia Alshanskaia has been at HSE University since 2025.
- Contacts
- Phone:
22370 - Address: 3 Krivokolenny Pereulok, room 214
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4001-0126
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Lomonosov Moscow State University
Courses (2024/2025)
- Neurophysiology and Psychophysiology of Extreme Conditions (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology field of study Biology; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
Smoking Habit Affects Response to False Feedback
A team of scientists at HSE University, in collaboration with the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, studied how people respond to deception when under stress and cognitive load. The study revealed that smoking habits interfere with performance on cognitive tasks involving memory and attention and impairs a person’s ability to detect deception. The study findings have been published in Frontiers in Neuroscience.
HSE Scientists Propose Using Heart Rate Analysis to Diagnose Anxiety and Depression
A group of scientists at HSE University have discovered how anxiety and depression can be diagnosed by analysing heart rate. It turns out that under mental stress, the heart rate of individuals with a predisposition to mental health disorders differs from that of healthy individuals, especially when performing more complex tasks. These changes in cardiovascular parameters can even be detected using a pulse oximeter or a smartwatch. The study findings have been published in Frontiers in Psychiatry.