Viktoria Pralich
- Project Head: International College of Economics and Finance
- Viktoria Pralich has been at HSE University since 2020.
- Language Proficiency
- Russian
- English
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
27986 - Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room T816
- Supervisor
- S. Yakovlev
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Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University
Awards and Accomplishments
ICEF Bachelor’s Class of 2023: Employment & Further Study
Victoria Pralich, Head of ICEF Career Services, talks about where the class of 2023 have found jobs and pursue further studies.
Where Do 2023 ICEF Bachelor’s Graduates Work and Study?
Employment rates for ICEF alumni in 2023 remain consistently high. Just a month after graduating from the International Bachelor’s Programme in Economics and Finance, 93% of graduates confirmed to the ICEF Career Centre that they had received job offers or decided to continue their studies in Russia and abroad in master’s and PhD programmes. Viktoria Pralich, Head of the Career Centre, talks about the employment and continued education of this year’s alumni.
We Wish You All a Great Year: ICEF Freshmen Welcome Event
On 31 August, ICEF’s newly enrolled undergraduate students gathered at HSE campus on Pokrovsky Boulevard for the Freshmen Welcome Event. Following the presentation of the learning process, university policies and on-campus activities, the students have been issued their Student ID Cards. The briefing covered also the class schedule and other essential aspects about ICEF, but most importantly it encouraged everyone to meet one another.
ICEF MSc Programme in Financial Economics: Today and Tomorrow
The Master’s in Financial Economics at the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) provides students with a solid theoretical foundation in economics and finance while teaching hands-on skills under the guidance of experts from academia and industry. With the 2022/23 academic year now over, faculty reflect on the programme’s successes and future prospects.
"Previous Background is What Matters Least”: ICEF Open Day Welcomes Prospective Master’s Students
At MSc Financial Economics Open Day, prospective applicants were able to learn more about how the programme sets itself apart from its counterparts, how to enroll, and what level of math and language training it expects from applicants. Invited to speak were also programme graduates. They spoke about things that help kick-start careers in banking and consulting.
Landing Your Dream Career: How ICEF Students Learn Effective Job Search
ICEF Career Services introduces students to the industry, helping many to land jobs through dozens of career guidance events it organizes every year. Its team maintains partnership relations with flagship leaders in a variety of fields including, among others, consulting, FMCG, banking, startups, and IT. In this review, we bring you up to date on how career guidance works, what careers ICEF graduates pursue abroad, and why ICEF Career Services takes students to companies.
Pumping Up Career Muscle: What ICEF Career Services has in store for students
ICEF Career Services introduces students to the industry and helps them to land jobs by organizing dozens of career guidance events every year. Its team maintains partnership relations with flagship leaders in a variety of fields including, among others, consulting, FMCG, banking, startups, and IT. In this review, we bring you up to date on how career guidance works, what careers ICEF graduates pursue abroad, and why ICEF Career Services will be taking students to companies.
Soft Skills and Academic Qualifications: What tech giants seek in recent graduates
How has 2020 changed the agendas of the Internet companies? For which jobs the hiring is on the rise right now? What qualities do Internet companies seek in candidates? These and other questions have been raised by the round table New Trends in Internet Business During and After the Pandemic: What qualifications do Internet companies seek in new hires? Organized by HSE ICEF, the roundtable had among its speakers the alumni who are currently employed by Amazon, Stripe, SberMarket, Ozon, Yandex.