Andrey B. Zhulin
- Andrey B. Zhulin has been at HSE University since 2003.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 531-00-00
27933 - Address: 11 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, room 512
- SPIN-RSCI: 1945-8933
- Scopus AuthorID: 53865773700
- Supervisor
- N. Anisimov
- Deputy
- S. Plaksin
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Andrey Zhulin supervises HSE activities related to:
- Expert analytical support (with the exception of expert analytical support in social policy and living standards of the population) for governmental bodies, including: expert support for the activities of the Russian Government on the issues of economic policy, public and municipal administration; implementing expertise commissioned by the Russian Government and other governmental bodies.
- The implementation of applied research at HSE (with the exception of research in social policy and human capital [education, health care, culture, social aid]) commissioned by public bodies; scientific research in public and municipal administration.
Performs the following duties:
- Coordination with governmental bodies to facilitate HSE's participation in expert and analytical work.
- Oversight of the provision of expertise for legal acts and draft legal acts, as well as other official documents received by HSE from governmental bodies.
- Coordination of HSE expert activities related to fulfilling requests from governmental bodies.
- Coordination of HSE department activities related to applied research (with the exception of research in social policy and human capital [education, health care, culture, social aid]) commissioned by public bodies.
Coordinates the operations of the following departments:
- Institute for Public Administration and Governance
- Centre for Technology Transfer
- Institute of Ecology
- HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Developmen
- Anti-Corruption Centre
- International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre
- Centre for African Studies
- Research Centre for Applied Electronics of HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Professional Interests
Administrative reform; organizational design, regulation, performance management, and information system development for federal and regional executive bodies of the Russian Federation.
Russia and Africa: Sharing Knowledge in Digitalisation
A school focusing on the digitalisation of public administration for civil servants from African countries was held in Moscow in December 2023. The school proved the high demand for Russian training programmes — representatives of 23 countries and 3 international organisations received certificates following advanced training.
Russian Government and HSE University to Help with Digitalisation of African Countries
The Russian-African Competence Transfer Programme in the Field of Public Administration Digitalisation in African Countries, which is being implemented by HSE University's Centre for African Studies, will be partially state-financed. The subsidy will be provided by the Russian government in accordance with the corresponding order signed on September 21.
HSE University to Launch New Carbon Test Site
A new HSE-operated carbon project—the Pokrovsky agricultural carbon test site—will soon be launched in the Moscow, Kaluga and Kirov regions. Its main purpose is to monitor greenhouse gas flows in the respective ecosystems to assess their carbon balance. The project is expected to produce the first Russian prototype of a comprehensive monitoring framework for ecosystems in agroforestry-based carbon farming.
‘Our Objective Is to Export Russian Expertise and Knowledge to Africa’
On December 27, Andrey Maslov was appointed Director of the HSE Centre for African Studies. In his interview with the HSE News Service, Mr. Maslov talks about the Centre’s objectives, whether HSE students will be engaged in the Centre’s activities, Russian-African relations and the practicalities of doing business in African markets.
The round table «Evaluation of digital readiness of the population for the implementation of digital technology in Russia»
On April 27, 2021 the International Laboratory for Digital Transformation in Public Administration of the IPAG held the round table "Evaluation of digital readiness of the population for the implementation of digital technologies in Russia" within the framework of the XXII April International Scientific Conference of the Higher School of Economics.
‘We have Formed a Unique Partnership Network of Some of the Strongest Think Tanks in the World’
The research and development of new approaches to antitrust regulation in the digital sector, the agro-industrial sector, the pharmaceutical industry, and other markets remain the main focus of the work of the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre, which operates within HSE University. The Centre's Supervisory Board recently endorsed its work conducted over the past year and supported its agenda for this year.
From Games to Models and Cases: New Tools for Online Learning
According to HSE Director for eLearning Evgenia Kulik, by introducing modern gaming software, virtual simulators, scenario tests, and VR components into online courses, ‘HSE is actively developing new forms of teacher-student interaction in online courses to increase student engagement, motivation, and the quality of education.’
Russian Government Supports the Development of International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre at HSE University
The Government’s decree on providing for the activities of the International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre as part of HSE University was issued last week. Previously, this department had operated at the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, however the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, together with BRICS antimonopoly bodies, initiated the Centre’s restructuring as a stand-alone department. The HSE News Service learned more about the Centre’s work and its research into competition policy.
Russia Is Among the Leaders of the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Response Efficiency Index
In a recent study, HSE University researchers analyzed and ranked the responses of 48 countries to the coronavirus pandemic. National responses were evaluated with regard to three factors: medical care, social support, and economic support. Among the 48 analyzed countries, Russia placed 7th, while Australia ranked the first.
State and Civic Efforts Helped Save at Least 80,000 Lives in Russia During the Pandemic, HSE Experts Say
In a study, ‘How Many Deaths from COVID-19 Were Avoided by Russian Society’, experts from HSE University found that the restrictive measures taken by the Russian government and its citizens to combat the spread of the virus saved the lives of tens of thousands of Russians.
HSE Experts Analyze the Lifting of Quarantine Restrictions in 30 Countries
In a recent report, HSE experts evaluated the world’s 14 countries hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic based on data (including the number of recorded deaths) from May 1, 2020 or later. The report also examined 16 other countries whose experience was considered significant. While refraining from making generalizations, experts nonetheless noted that leaders in Europe and the United States have generally not responded to the situation as effectively as their Asian counterparts. Africa, meanwhile, follows its own course, while the situation in Brazil is worse.
HSE Survey: Russians Expect to Return to Normal Life after the Pandemic
During the pandemic, most Russians have been concerned with the health of their families, parents, and friends, as well as their own financial well-being. These are the findings of a survey conducted by the HSE Institute for Public Administration and Governance. At the same time, Russian citizens are least worried about potential food shortages. This is what makes them fundamentally different from Americans, British, German, and Chinese people, who are more worried about food supplies.
HSE Launches Online Course on the Digitalization of Megapolises in Partnership with Coursera
The programme is aimed not only at students, but also city administration employees, IT specialists, and company managers. Course content allows students to learn about the latest successful developments in megacity digitalization in the context of Moscow. There is no other course like it offered in Russia or the world.
HSE Joins the Russian-African Cooperation Agenda
HSE University, together with Intexpertise LLС, Russian foreign economy research centre, will create a Centre for African Studies. The Centre will be based at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and will be a leading analytical platform in support of Russian-African relations. The founding of the Centre will be announced at the Russia-Africa Economic Forum, which begins in Sochi on October 23.
HSE Advocates for Environmental Transparency
More than 40% of Russian citizens consider changing their place of residence due to environmental problems. This was a statistic cited by Lyaila Sinyatullina, Head of the Department of Advanced Studies at HSE University’s Institute for Public Administration and Governance, at a roundtable dedicated to an environmental information bill that will be reviewed by the Russian State Duma.
HSE Creates Institute of Ecology
The new institute will be engaged in research and educational activities and will provide expert and analytical support for state projects in the field of environmental safety, as well as for projects outlined by Russia's federal policy in the Arctic.
Entering the Big Data Era — Will Traditional Statistics Still Be in Demand?
The development of a national data management system, along with its architecture and ontology, is one of the key issues for a future cabinet, believes Maxim Akimov, First Deputy of the Chief of the Government Staff of the Russian Federation. A discussion at a panel session on data in the digital era at the XIX April International Academic Conference at HSE looked into the key challenges in regards to Russian statistics and possible responses to them.
PPP in the IT sector: mechanisms of interaction and legislative regulation
On 8 February, the State Duma Committee for Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations held a roundtable discussion, titled "Legislation on Public-Private Partnership in information and communication technologies: issues for regulation". The session involved state deputies, representatives from public departments and public organisations, plus representatives from the specialist, scientific and business communities, including NRU HSE Vice Rector Andrey Zhulin and IPAM NRU HSE Deputy Director Vladimir Korolev.
‘HSE Offers Solutions Aimed at the Future…’
On November 27, the HSE Academic Council held an awards ceremony dedicated to the university’s 25th anniversary. The meeting saw the participation of representatives of the Russian President, members of government, and members of the Russian Federal Assembly. Governmental awards were given to a number of HSE employees for their tremendous accomplishments.
HSE Staff Receive Commendations from President Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree for the commendation of prominent public and political figures. Andrey Zhulin, Vice Rector at HSE Perm, Galina Volodina, Director of HSE Perm, and Valeria Kasamara, HSE’s Senior Director for Government Relations, are among the figures mentioned in the decree.
HSE Students Win at the Open Data Hackathon
HSE students won prizes in several categories at the 2 day Hackathon #2 at the Analytical Centre for the Government of the Russian Federation.
HSE experts see the environment levy rate as justified
Setting the environment levy was one of the main innovations in state regulation of waste disposal, introduced by Federal Law No. 458 of 29 December 2014. At the request of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, NRU HSE experts are working on the economic substantiation of the rates of the environmental levy for all groups of goods and products, waste from the use of which is subject to recycling.
23 Academics from HSE Appointed to the Government Expert Council
The new makeup of the Expert Council to the Russian government has been confirmed. It includes 366 members, 23 of whom are HSE staff.
13 pieces of advice for Putin
In September Vladimir PUTIN will be presented with the proposals of the Finance Ministry on how to enhance effectiveness in budget resources. RBK Daily was able to look over the draft report on this matter. It consists of 13 units and reducing treasury expenditure is proposed through a slowing in pension growth, cancelling subsidies for multiple-child families, cutting back on civil servant numbers and heightening controls over state defence procurement.
In the spring of this year, the President instructed the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development to conduct an expert review of the effectiveness of budget expenditure and its optimisation. The task was addressed with the additional engagement of specialists from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), HSE and other analytical centres. These specialists included Andrey ZHULIN, Vice Rector of HSE and Director of the Centre for Analysis of the Activity of Executive Authorities.
Open data: new opportunities and new problems
On 16 February the NRU HSE hosted a meeting on how to improve legislation as regards access to public information. The meeting was attended by Russian Minister for Open Government Mikhail ABYZOV and discussion moderators were Director of IPAMM’s Centre for Analysis of the Operations of Executive Authorities Andrei ZHULIN and IPAMM Director and HSE NRU Vice Rector Andrei KLIMENKO.
The Government To Disclose Data
The authorities are to make data linked with their operations available on the Internet by no later than 15 July 2013. This could create a market for private applications and services worth $200 million a year.
In late January a group of specialists from the 'Open Government' (including representatives of the Higher School of Economics, the Ministry of Economic Development and the company W3C) presented a draft concept for open data. The document was drawn up in fulfilment of a May 2012 presidential decree, according to which Internet users should have access to data, accumulated by government authorities. As a result, states the draft concept, the work of officials should become more transparent, while Russia could see the creation of a market for applications and services, using this information as its basis.
Four departments disclose dozens of databases for government data as part of a pilot project
'Government data, designed for disclosure, was gathered by a number of experts,' Andrei ZHULIN, NRU HSE Director for Expert Analytical Work, announced to Interfax. 'We knew that these data are collated by departments and have to be disclosed online, in accordance with various statutory requirements.'
There shall be Open Data: the Higher School of Economics will develop a concept of open data for the Russian Federation09.08.2012 Public services in cooperation mode
The National Research University - Higher School of Economics is the winner of an open tender run by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development for the right to execute a government contract for elaborating a concept of open data for the Russian Federation.
The principal contractors under this contract at NRU HSE will be the Institute for Public and Municipal Management and the Semantic Technology Centre.
Medvedev Rewards Strategy 2020 Experts
The Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, has awarded honours to some researchers from the Higher School of Economics for their work on the Strategy 2020 expert groups, including organization of the groups, the preparation of suggestions on topical issues for Russian socio-economic strategy up to 2020 and their personal input into the expert and analytical work