Evgeniy Anisimov
- Professor, Academic Supervisor: HSE Campus in St. Petersburg / School of Arts and Humanities / Department of History
- Chief Research Fellow: HSE Campus in St. Petersburg / School of Arts and Humanities / Centre for Historical Research
- Tenured Professor (2013)
- Evgeniy Anisimov has been at HSE University since 2012.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (812) 406-70-78
61411 - Address: St. Petersburg, 123A Nabereshnaya Kanala Griboedova , room 212
- SPIN-RSCI: 1535-9288
- ORCID: 0000-0001-9093-586X
- ResearcherID: AAM-2586-2021
- Scopus AuthorID: 57190245094
- Google Scholar
- Office hours
- Tuesday 14.00 - 16.00
- Supervisor
- A. A. Selin
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Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Thesis Title: The Poll Tax Reform of Peter the First (Introduction of the Poll Tax in Russia, 1717—1728)
Thesis Title: Domestic policy of the Supreme Privy Council in 1726 - 1730
Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Leningrad Branch), History
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2014–2015
Winner of the HSE University Best Russian Research Paper Competition – 2021
Courses (2024/2025)
- History of Russia in the 18-19Th Centuries (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities field of study History; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Source Study (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- History of St Petersburg (Mago-Lego; 1, 2 module)Eng
- History of St Petersburg (Master’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities field of study History; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- Source Study (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- History of St Petersburg (Master’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities field of study History; 2 year, 1 module)Eng
- Source Study (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Source Study (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities field of study History; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Editorial board membership
Conference Presentations and Public Lectures
Participation in the Round Table "Baron Munchausen: From Peter to Ekaterina. For the 300th anniversary of Jerome von Munchausen, December 2020, St. Petersurg.
Participation in the III National Conference "Republicanism: Theory, Historians, Modern Practice", EU SPb, December 2019. Panel moderator, participation in the round table "Catherine II as a Republican"
Participation in the VIII St. Petersburg International Forum, Culture and Society panel, November 2019
- Paper "Women in Power in the 18th Century: The Problem of Perception of Women's Government in Russian Society". Tsaritsyno State Medical Reserve, October 2019
- Lecture "Mercy in War. Time of Peter the Great". "Arzamas", educational project, October 2019
- Lecture and quest "St. Petersburg - Peter the Great's dream come true. City as text" for students of Tyumen State University, October 2019
- Organizer, Scientific Director of the 12th International Petrovsky Congress "The Image of Peter the Great in World Culture", St. Petersburg, May-June 2019
- Interview with the journal "Scientific Notes of Petrozavodsk State University", May 2019 (published in № 4, pp. 8-10)
- Public lectures at the department of history, Petrozavodsk State University, May 2019. More details: https://petrsu.ru/news/2019/47960/v-petrgu-proshli-otk
- Presentation of the monograph at the Dialogues with Irina Prokhorova and at the Library of the Petrozavodsk State University, May 2019
- Interviews in connection with the release of the book "The Power and the Axe. Tsarist Power, Political Investigation and Russian Society in the 18th Century (Moscow, UFO, 2019) to the TV channel "Rain", "Radio Liberty", Radio "Silver Rain", Radio "Moscow Says", websites "Gorky", "SotsTubeCanal Mikhail Svetov SVTV", "Lenta.ru", InLiberty
- Presentation "Fear Demons from the Secret Office of the XVIII Century" at the International Conference "Anthropology of Fear", St. Petersburg (in Russian), May 17-18, 2019
- Presentation "The concept of "Little Russia" and "Little Russia" in the Peter's epoch" at the international Russian-Austro-Ukrainian conference "Terminological features of Russian and Ukrainian historiography", St. Polten. Austria, 13-14 May, 2019
- Presentation "J.B.A. Leblon in the context of the Peter`s epoch" at the international conference Jean-Baptiste Alexander Leblon and the French in Russia in the epoch of Peter the Great", St. Petersburg, March 2019
- Organizer and academic supervisor of the 11th Petrine Congress "Peter the Great and the East", St. Petersburg, June, 2018
- Lectures held within the Festival of Russian Culture in Estonia, April, 2018
- Supervising the 5th Russian Youth Conference "Reformators and Revolutionists in Russian History", lecture "Reforms in Russian History", February, 2018
- Lecture "Women in Power in the XVIII Century", New Stage of Aleksandrinsky Theater, January, 2018
- Presentation of monograph "Peter the Great: Evil or Good for Russia?", 11th Krasnoyarsk Book Fair; Presentations in Moscow, St.Petersburg, Perm, Velikii Novgorod, October-November, 2017
- Lecture "Saint-Petersburg is A Dream of Peter the Great" within "Petersburg Meetings", University of Aveiro, Portugal, October, 2017
- Open dialogs of Irina Prokhorova and Eugenii Anisimov on the roles of Peter the Great in Russian history. Project "Open Library", October, 2017
- Public lecture "Thank you, gosudar!" at the Opening of X International Congress of Petrine Cities, supervising the congress, June, 2017
- Presentation of translation of book "Russian History from Rurik to Putin" into Polish (Historia Rosjiod Ruryka do Putina. Ludƺie. Daty. Wydarzenia. Inizial). Russian Center of Science and Culture in Warsaw, March, 2017
- Presentation of translation of book "Imperator`s Russia" into Lithuanian (Imperatoriụ Rusija). 18-oji tarptautinė Vilniausknygųmugė. Vilnus, February, 2017
- Supervising, paper "Reforms and Revolutions", participating in the round table. The 4th Russian Youth Conference "Reformators and Revolutionaries in Russian History", February, 2017
- Public lecture "Where Did Susanin Go? Russian History Painting Through the Lens of Historian". Novgorod Scientific Library, January, 2017
- Academic conference «Le “Grand Tour” et le Transfer des Connaissances. Experiences Europeennes, de la Russiе a la Peninsule Iberique». Paper presented: «Les voyages en Europe et le choix européen de Pierre I-er: perspektives et impasses», Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barselona, October, 2016
- History of One Love: Peter and Holland. The 5th Congress of the Petrovsky Cities, Saint-Petersburg, June, 2013
- History Painting Through Historian`s Eyes. Scholarly Comments on a Literary Text. Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, May, 2013
- Relations Between the Petrine Russia and Europe of Sciences and Arts in the Early XVIII Сentury. Pierre Le Grand et l’Europedes sciences et des arts. Circulations, réseaux, transferts, métissages (1689-1727). Colloques internationaux à la Fondation Singer-Polignac et à l’Universitée Paris-Diderot, March, 2013
- Building of the Empire during the Time of Peter the Great. The 3rd International Conference "State-Building in Russia", Moscow, December, 2012
- L’idea d’Impero in Pietro il Grande. L’Impero nella storia russa, tra realta e nostalgia, the University of Naples, Italy, December, 2012
- International Seminar "Francesco Algarotti and Russia", The Institute of Russian Literature, November, 2012. Chair
- The World Congress of Compatriots Abroad, Saint-Petersburg, 10 - 21 October, 2012. Supervisor of the Programme, Lecturer
- 5th All - Russian Bagration Conference, Simy, Vladimirskaya Oblast`, 21 September, 2012. Presentation of the book "General Bagration: Zhizn` i voina" (published in Moscow, 2012)
- The Year of 1812 in Contemporaries` Memory. Conference "Defence of the Fatherland: People of Novgorod in the Patriotic War of 1812", Veliky Novgorod, 18 September, 2012
- Emotions at The Patriotic War of 1812. Seminar "The Boundaries of History", Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, 9 September, 2012
- Was Saint-Peterburg A Splendid Mistake of Peter the Great? IV International Congress of the Petrovsky Cities: Capitals and Province. Saint-Petersburg, 8 June, 2012
- International Conference "The Phenomenon of The Reforms in Europe and Russia in The Early Modern Period (XVI - XVIII Centuries). European University at Saint-Peterburg, 15 - 16 March, 2012. Chair of a panel
- IV Congress of Young Compatriots Abroad, Saint-Petersburg, 23 - 27 May, 2011. Supervisor of the Programme
- The World Congress of Compatriots Abroad, Saint-Petersburg, 26 September - 7 October, 2011. Supervisor of the Programme
Participation in Projects
The 5th Youth Festival “The Capital of Culture is the Culture of Peace ”, November, 2012. Сhairman of judges
- Finalist of the Dynasty Award, 2019
- Winner of the Russian National Historical Literary Prize "Alexander Nevsky", 2018
- The Prize of the Russian Government, Culture, 2014
- Top-50 Most Famous People of Saint-Petersburg, 2013
- Winner of the Russian National Historical Literary Prize "Alexander Nevsky", January, 2007
- Winner of Mitropolit Makary Prize, Russian Orthodox Church, 2002
- Winner of Anziferov Prize in the nomination «For Achievements in Regional Studies of Saint-Petersburg", January, 2000
‘Global and Regional History’ Master’s Programme Seeks Future Historians, Anthropologists, and More
In 2020, HSE - St. Petersburg is launching a new master's programme in ‘Global and Regional History’, which will replace the ‘Applied and Interdisciplinary History’ Programme. The HSE University - Saint Petersburg editorial office interviewed Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov, Programme Head and anthropologist, about the programme's a global approach to studying history and its international partnerships.
20 Things You Might Not Know About HSE - St. Petersburg
Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, HSE’s St Petersburg campus came up with the slogan ‘Time to Make Your Dreams Come True.’
Laureates of Golden HSE 2016
On December 20, 2016, the ZIL Cultural Centre hosted this year’s Golden HSE awards ceremony. This year saw several significant changes to the award rules: new nominations have appeared, many of them were divided into categories for different groups of employees — all to help ensure HSE was able to express its gratitude to a larger number of worthy candidates.
Evgeniy Anisimov, Tenured Professor at HSE, Awarded by Russian Government
Evgeniy Anisimov, Professor of History and Chief Research Fellow at the Centre for Historical Research (HSE Campus in St. Petersburg), has received the Russian government’s award for 2014 in the field of culture. The award recognizes Anisimov for the International Congress of the Towns and Cities of Peter the Great, a cultural and educational programme in which he serves as academic supervisor.
Evgeny Yasin: ‘The HSE, the New Economic School and Gaidar Institute Are Restoring Research to the Pre-Revolutionary Level in Russia’
Today, HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin celebrates his 80th birthday. The HSE News Service congratulates him, and in honour of the celebration, is publishing an extract from Andrey Kolesnikov’s book ‘Dialogues with Evgeny Yasin’.