Another fine HSE Day in the Park
Eight hours of socialising, music, lectures, master-classes, sports and intellectual games, 30 event spaces, 50,000 visitors - on it’s third HSE Day the Higher School of Economics turned Gorky Park into a university campus to introduce the city and new students to contemporary university life, study and recreation.
Student Mobility in Action
Last year the HSE Nizhny Novgorod signed a cooperation agreement with the Chinese university, agreeing to develop a partnership in science, joint research projects, and student mobility.
HSE students joined as volunteer buddies in August to provide assistance for foreign students.
Postgraduate Students in Sociology Focus on Youth Research
Elena Omelchenko, Director of the Centre for Youth Studies and Head of the Department of Sociology at the HSE Campus in St. Petersburg, speaks about plans for postgraduate training at the Centre and international cooperation avenues.
colouring pictures were created by students of the HSE’s School of Design for children who are undergoing treatment at the Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Centre.
HSE master’s students to study alongside students from the University of Maryland
Joint classes will begin in February 2015 for first-year master’s students in the State and Local Administration programme at HSE’s St. Petersburg campus and students in the Urban Studies and Planning master’s programme at the University of Maryland (U.S.). Classes will be held in the format of video conferences and take place once a week over the course of three semesters.
Becoming an Exchange Student is Easy
Olga Okulova, Director of the International Office at the HSE in St. Petersburg, spoke with the HSE news service about the university’s student exchange programme, as well as about the HSE’s partners, international projects and the future plans of the International Office.
HSE Nizhny Novgorod Begins Summer Law School for Chinese Students
On July 21, students from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law (Chongqing, China) arrived the HSE Nizhny Novgorod to study the basics of Russian legislation in the areas of intellectual, property, civil and criminal law.