Why Russia is Passive in the WTO Court
In terms of activity in lodging complaints with the WTO Court (the agency through which WTO members resolve their disputes), Russia has not advanced beyond South Africa. The United States and EU countries are currently the leaders in terms of WTO disputes. The low level of activity on Russia’s side is primarily due to its relatively recent membership in the organization.
Russia and Germany as WTO members
On April 22 2013, the Higher School of Economics hosted an international workshop conference entitled 'The Development Outlook for Russia and Germany as Members of the WTO'. Alexander Khodachek, the president of Saint-Petersburg HSE campus commented on the conference.
‘The Bigger Challenges Are Still Ahead’
On January 18th Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), spoke at the HSE. Below is a transcript of his speech.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025