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Data Science for Everyone: HSE on Coursera

Data Science for Everyone: HSE on Coursera

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Global online platform Coursera has launched the Data Science Academy project - a guide to the world of data science with a selection of the best online courses, specializations, and online master's programmes from world leading companies and universities. The English online course ‘Advanced Machine Learning’, developed by HSE in cooperation with Yandex is among the Academy's courses.

In addition to online courses, the Data Science Academy features the description of key data skills, and career opportunities for specialists with an indication of the average salary and vacancies on the market, as well as recommendations from data specialists. Students can choose their area of interest and specialization or take a test and get recommendations on data analysis courses.

Coursera notes that today data analysis skills are not only necessary for specialists working with data. Employees in a wide range of fields, for example general directors, HR managers, marketing experts with the skills of data processing for strategic decision-making, will be in demand on the labour market. According to a forecast by IBM, by 2020, 110,000 new jobs for specialists who make decisions based on data processing will appear on the market.

HSE's English-language specialization ‘Advanced Machine Learning’ at Coursera will help you to master machine learning at an advanced level. The specialization includes 7 online courses. Participants can choose one or several courses, as well as studying all the courses of the specialization.

HSE has prepared a selection of online courses on Coursera for those who have just started studying data science:

Introduction to Deep Learning 

The goal of this course is to give learners a basic understanding of modern neural networks and their applications in computer vision and natural language understanding. The course starts with a recap of linear models and discussion of stochastic optimization methods that are crucial for training deep neural networks. Learners will study all popular building blocks of neural networks including fully connected layers, convolutional and recurrent layers. Learners will use these building blocks to define complex modern architectures in TensorFlow and Keras frameworks. In the course, learners will implement a deep neural network for the task of image captioning which solves the problem of giving a text description for an input image.

Algorithmic Toolbox

The course covers basic algorithmic techniques and ideas for computational problems arising frequently in practical applications: sorting and searching, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming. You will learn a lot of theory: how to sort data and how it helps for searching; how to break a large problem into pieces and solve them recursively; when it makes sense to proceed greedily; how dynamic programming is used in genomic studies. You will practice solving computational problems, designing new algorithms, and implementing solutions efficiently (so that they run in less than a second).

Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science

Mathematical thinking is crucial in all areas of computer science: algorithms, bioinformatics, computer graphics, data science, machine learning, etc. In this course, you'll learn the most important tools used in discrete mathematics: induction, recursion, logic, invariants, examples, optimality. These tools will be used to answer typical programming questions like: How can we be certain a solution exists? Am I sure my program computes the optimal answer? Do each of these objects meet the given requirements? In the course, we use a try-this-before-we-explain-everything approach: you will be solving many interactive (and mobile friendly) puzzles that were carefully designed to allow you to invent many of the important ideas and concepts yourself.

HSE also offers several courses taught in Russian:

Python Programming for Beginners

Python is one of the easiest programming languages for beginners. Perhaps this is why it is one of the most popular languages nowadays. The course is dedicated to teaching the basic Python structures, which are useful in solving a wide range of tasks – from data analysis to the development of new software products.

Algorithmic Computation

This course is the perfect start to help you dive into the world of programming and data analysis. During the course you will learn how to create, understand and analyze algorithms. The course is a good basis for learning programming languages.

Introduction to Machine Learning

This course will introduce you to the most promising approach to big data analysis – machine learning. You will study the main types of tasks and methods of machine learning, learn how to evaluate the quality of models, and get acquainted with modern libraries that can be used in solving real problems during the course. To start, you will need to understand what functions, derivatives, vectors, matrices are. Basic Python skills are also desirable.

You can sign up for all HSE online courses on Coursera and start your journey into data science now.

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