Big Challenges: Project Session on Yamal Held at HSE University
HSE University has hosted the project session ‘The Big Challenges Faced by Yamal’, whose speakers included Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YaNAO) Dmitry Artyukhov, HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov, and Vice Rector Dmitry Zemtsov. HSE University students designed concepts for expeditions to the region that they will be able to embark on in 2023–2024 as part of the ‘Rediscovering Russia’ project.
‘Today’s meeting is indeed a significant event for us. Dmitry Artyukhov heads the Commission on Youth Policy. To him, communication with young people is an opportunity to understand their needs even better. HSE University has 50,000 students—the best students in our country. The fact that our students have been invited to Yamal is a great honour and a great joy for us. Last year, one trip to Yamal was organised; this year, there will be two. This shows that our relations with the region are developing,’ said Nikita Anisimov, HSE University Rector.

YaNAO Governor Dmitry Artyukhov gave a presentation on the region to the future expedition members. He said that Yamal is consistently a leader in terms of average salaries. The governor also outlined the key challenges faced by the region: the shift of production to the north and the spatial shift of the settlement structure, gradual climate change, and a shortage of highly qualified personnel. The district has developed a set of measures to cope with these. He also answered questions from students in the audience on the region's climate, economy, social life, and points of development.

‘Yamal needs qualified specialists, and we are creating the conditions to attract them. We build rental housing for those who plan to move and are in demand in the labour market. We create comfort by developing the consumer market. The fact that people plan to make a future in Yamal is also evidenced by the number of multi-child families, who currently make up one in three families in the district,’ said Dmitry Artyukhov.

‘The “Rediscovering Russia” student expedition project originated as an internal HSE University project, before expanding to the nationwide level thanks to a partnership with the “Russia—Land of Opportunity” Autonomous Non-Profit Organisation. Today, we have the chance to meet directly with the governors of these regions and to jointly design future expeditions,’ said HSE University Vice Rector Dmitry Zemtsov. ‘I urge you to make the most of this opportunity and get involved in projects that really meet key regional challenges.’
After a series of questions, student teams set about designing expedition concepts in groups. The list of topics included projects designated by the management teams of these cities as necessary for implementation (beautification of the embankment and pedestrian zone in Salekhard, development of a master plan for the ski complex in Labytnangi, development of a cultural code for the city of Muravlenko, and designing a tourist code for the city centre of Noyabrsk), as well as projects proposed by the students on their own initiative.
See also:
First 30 Expeditions of 4th Season of ‘Rediscovering Russia’ Project Selected
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‘Rediscovering Russia’: HSE Students Create a Development Strategy for the Priklonsky-Rukavishnikov Estate
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New Season of Rediscovering Russia Student Expedition Project Begins
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Annual Report of Rediscovering Russia Student Expedition Project for 2022 Published
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Rediscovering Russia Expedition Submissions Open until June 15th
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Winning Expeditions of the First Wave of the ‘Rediscovering Russia’ Project Selection Announced
The first selection of winning expeditions of the inter-university student programme ‘Rediscovering Russia’ has been completed. The programme is being implemented by HSE University together with the presidential platform ‘Russia - Land of Opportunity’ and the ‘More Than a Trip’ programme. The Expert Council approved 47 applications, with 17 universities and 23 organisations among the winners. The expeditions will take place from April to July 2023 and will cover 41 Russian regions.
The Initial Results Are in for the Rediscovering Russia Student Expedition to the North Caucasus
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