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‘We Need Educational Programmes that Offer Specific Technologies and Tools: Take Something and Do It’

‘We Need Educational Programmes that Offer Specific Technologies and Tools: Take Something and Do It’

© iStock

On May 31, the next entrance examinations for a new online Master’s programme in Managing Organisations and Projects will take place. Academic Supervisor Yulia Chilipenok spoke about what makes the programme innovative and which management technologies are important to modern leaders.

The online Master’s programme in Managing Organisations and Projects launched in 2023. It is designed to train a new type of manager capable of running businesses of various sizes and fields of activity.

Yulia Chilipenok

Yulia Chilipenok, Academic Supervisor of the programme

The current economy needs not only narrow specialists in certain areas of management such as marketing, HR, logistics, etc. According to the results of employer surveys, there is a clear need for managers who have broad systemic knowledge of organisations and the processes operating within them.

The programme is designed for entry-level and mid-level managers, line employees and graduates of bachelor’s programmes seeking to develop a managerial career. During their training, students will receive career support from a personal coach, and upon graduation they will be added to the database of the Career Development Centre and potentially receive job offers.

Students will fill out their portfolios with three online business projects in:

  • organisational diagnostics
  • business process management
  • the implementation of organisational changes

‘Rapid change does not give today’s professionals time to learn from hands-on experience. Today’s managers are primarily action-oriented; they work at a fast pace, simultaneously solving a large number of diverse tasks. Now we need educational programmes that offer specific technologies and tools: take something and do it,’ said Yulia Chilipenok in an interview with the HSE University eLearning Office.

By studying in a synchronous online format using modern educational resources, students of the programme will form a deep systemic knowledge of modern management, as well as acquire practical management skills and an indispensable set of flexible competencies.

Online enrolment is also possible by submitting the necessary documents through the Applicant’s Personal Account. The nearest date for the consideration of portfolios (which must include a copy of a document confirming the applicant’s level of education and a resume in Russian) is May 31.

Live presentations by representatives of the programme are available in regular webinars, the next of which will be held on May 30.

Read more about the programme content and the admission trajectory here.